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Member of the EthoS lab (University of Caen Normandie - University of Rennes 1 - CNRS)





Lecturer in Biology of Behaviour at the University of Caen Normandy (FRANCE)


Birth: 09/04/1979

Nationality: French/Portuguese


2021-... Elected member of the Council of the UFR of Sciences of the University of Caen

2021-... Coordinator of the 1st year of the Master of Neurosciences - Behavioural Sciences (University of Caen)

2014-... Member of the Animal Welfare Body of the University of Caen

2012-... Lecturer in charge of high-level athletes of the Department of Psychology

​2015-2021 Vice-director of the CREC (Centre de Recherches en Environnement Côtier)

​2010-2021 Elected member of the Administrative and Scientific Council of the CREC




Université de Caen Normandie

French post-doctoral degree "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches"



Lecturer at the GMPc lab (Groupe mémoire et Plasticité comportementale / Memory and Behavioural Plasticity group)



Université de Caen Normandie/Université de Paris 13 (France)

PhD in Animal Behaviour: Neuroethological study of spatial cognition in the common cuttlefish.

Supervisor: Pr L. Dickel

2003 - 2004

Université de Paris 13 (France)

Msc in Animal Behaviour.


University of Edinburg (UK)

Postdoctoral fellowship (Grant from the Fyssen Foundation) Neurobiological study of spatial memory in birds.

Supervisor: Dr S.D. Healy

2000 - 2002

Université de La Rochelle (France)

BSc/Msc in Marine Biology.


2022 Bronze Medal of the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research)


2019-2023 COMETT: Comparative Mental Time Travel: insights from cephalopods

ANR JCJC (Research grant from the French National Research Agency) (PI)


​2016 Selavie: Asymmetric integration of multiple visual cues for camouflage in cuttlefish

Research grant from the Fyssen Foundation (PI)


​2013-2014 Projet InitiaTICE PsyBioQuizz

in collaboration with Dr. Cécile BELLANGER

​2012 Collaborative grant "Behavioural asymmetries"

Grant from the G.D.R. Ethologie (co-P.I. with Pr. Catherine BLOIS-HEULIN)

​2009 Travel Grant from the SFECA to attend to the XXXI International Ethological Conference in Rennes (FRANCE)

​2008 Postdoctoral grant "Spatial memory in birds: a cognitive neuroethological study"

Postdoctoral grant from the Fyssen Foundation (PI)

​2007 Best Poster Award, Annual Congress of the Société Française pour l'Etude du Comportement Animal, Villetaneuse (FRANCE)

2006 Best Poster Award, 10ème Journée Scientifique du Réseau LARC Neurosciences, Lille (FRANCE)

2006 Travel Grant from the SFECA to attend to the Annual Congress of the Société Française pour l'Etude du Comportement Animal, Lac de Bairon (FRANCE)

2005 Travel Grant from the SFECA to attend to the Annual Congress of the Société Française pour l'Etude du Comportement Animal, Rennes (FRANCE)

2004 PhD scholarship "Neuroethological study of spatial cognition in cuttlefish"

from the Ministère de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche (French Ministry for Research and Education)


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EthoS laboratory UMR 6554 - CNRS

Université de Caen Normandie

Université de Rennes

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© 2016 by C. Jozet-Alves.

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